Thursday, February 24, 2011

Measuring Solar Panel Efficiency

In a climate of rising fear over dwindling fossil fuels, homes and businesses have begun installing solar panels to augment or replace their current energy systems. These panels are relatively simple to maintain, but dirt and improper placement can significantly decrease their power output. In order to ensure that you are obtaining the optimal value from this product, you should regularly check the efficiency of your solar panels. This is a simple procedure, requiring little more than multimeter, and it will maximize your savings.

First, you need to determine the area of your panels. If you don't have that data from the installation, just use a measuring tape.

Second, you need to figure out the maximum solar radiation for the exact spot on Earth where your solar panels are sitting. Essentially, this is a measurement of how much power the sun is bringing to your location — i.e., the maximum power your solar panels could theoretically provide, keeping in mind that current panels achieve only a maximum of about 20% efficiency. You can measure solar radiation with a solar meter, or you can look at the database on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's website, which provides average solar input for various regions throughout the year. 

Now you need to figure out how much power your panel is actually providing. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage and current that your panel is producing, then multiply these figures to calculate the power produced (P = VA). Keep an eye on your units — your panel area should be in meters squared, and your power should be in kilowatts.

To determine your panel's efficiency, just divide the power output of your solar panel by the solar input of your location (both in kilowatts per meter squared) and multiply by 100. If the number is lower than it should be (around 20), you may need to clean your panel, adjust its angle or ask a professional to inspect it. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Plastic Waste Management: Facts and Fictions

Plastic is everywhere, and it's almost impossible to avoid. From cellophane wrapping to the accessories in our cars, nearly every aspect of our lives contains something made of plastic. Unfortunately, this wonder-material wreaks havoc on the environment when it sits in a landfill. While some companies have begun to recycle it, the same qualities that make plastic so appealing — its light weight, cheap cost and durability — make it a challenge to do so.

Contrary to widespread advertisements, the physical act of recycling a plastic product isn't as easy as it seems. Unlike metal and paper, which are of relatively uniform composition, plastic comes in many varieties, and they cannot be recycled together. Plastics are composed of certain types of resins and fibers  that's what that number inside the triangle of arrows indicates. Different plastics require different processes to be recycled. Some are easier than others. Water bottles and milk cartons (numbers 1 and 2) can be easily melted down, but others, like plastic pipes, cling wrap or food storage containers, require special chemicals and equipment that most recycling centers don't have.

Because plastic is so cheap to produce, recycling it has to be cheap as well  no company will recycle something if it can't make a profit. For number 1 and 2 plastics, this balance is manageable, because these plastics can be recycled at a low cost and in high volume with relatively inexpensive chemicals and equipment. These plastics can also be used for a wide variety of products once they are broken down, so they have a wider application with a bigger profit margin. However, harder plastics require much more energy and expensive materials to recycle, and they cannot be reused in as many lucrative ways. As such, most recycling companies cannot make a significant profit, so they do not try to recycle these more difficult plastics.

Unfortunately, many people harbor misconceptions about recycling, and some plastic companies even actively attempt to disseminate misinformation. One of the primary misplaced beliefs is that because we recycle plastic, it's perfectly environmentally friendly to continue buying and using it. As a result, most people will actually buy more of it. In actuality, though, most plastic waste is either not recycled at all or recycled into a product that itself cannot be recycled. Thus, rather than reducing the use of plastic, consumption actually increases, and recycling only delays the plastic's entrance into a landfill.

Because it is difficult to turn recycled plastics into new products as cheaply or effectively as it is to make them with virgin plastics, and because many people feel that they're safe buying plastic because it will simply be recycled, the consumption of plastics and the production of virgin plastics has not subsided. There has been no decrease in plastic objects entering landfills, and even more new plastic objects are being created. Yet in order for plastic waste management to be truly effective, less virgin plastic must be produced. The methods of recycling all plastic products must also be improved to make recycled plastic more versatile and cost effective, and consumers must be educated about what happens to their plastic so that they stop purchasing as many plastic products. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

Installing a Solar Panel at Home

These days, the cost of fuel rises almost as fast as concerns about global warming and funding for terrorists. Solar energy is becoming an attractive alternative to petroleum and coal, and you have probably even seen arrays of photovoltaic cells on large office buildings. Unfortunately, the trend is growing less rapidly in residential areas, largely because of the upfront cost, the aesthetics and the presumed hassle of installation. However, these disinclinations are generally misguided. While solar panels are certainly not cheap, there are a plethora of tax rebates available on state and federal levels, and the deduction -- or elimination -- of your electricity bill will pay you back and then some over time.

If you're particularly stingy and love breaking out the power tools, like my dad, you can lower the upfront cost of a panel even more by installing it yourself. Be advised that if you aren't an electrician or an avid do-it-yourselfer, this project probably isn't for you, and you will likely wind up saving yourself a lot of money, time and pain by simply calling in a professional. If you can use a ladder, a stud-finder and common sense, though, you can probably at least perform the basic setup.

The first step in setting up a solar panel is making sure you can legally install it. Check with your homeowner's association (HOA), unless you live in one of the following states, which have laws protecting solar access rights: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.

The following states have have guidelines that offer homeowners some leeway in installing solar panels, but you should still check: Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Utah.

If you live in one of the other states, start pressuring your government to grant you solar access rights, and in the mean time, be sure to check with your HOA before you install anything.

No matter where you live, you'll also need to obtain a building permit, so contact your local building authority (county and city). In some states, you actually have to be licensed to install solar panels. You will also have to have your solar panel inspected, and you will have to obtain permission from the power company to connect. (If you hire professionals, they take care of all this.)

The second step is to select the optimal spot for a panel. You want to put it in the place that will receive the maximum amount of sunlight at noon. Typically, this is the south facing part of your roof, but if you have several trees or a large shadow-casting building on the south side, you may need to hunt for a better spot. Also, you need to make sure your roof is sturdy enough to hold a panel, or you're going to wind up with a costly hole. You certainly don't have to install a panel on the roof; you can also put it on a pole in the yard, but these take up more space and are easier to see from the road (if aesthetic appeal concerns you).

In addition to where you put your solar panel, you will have to determine the optimal angle for your panel. The basic formula for this is adding 15 degrees to your latitude in the winter and subtracting 15 in the summer (yes, this means you have to adjust your panel throughout the year). If you really want to maximize your solar energy output, multiply your latitude by .9 and add 30 degrees to your latitude in the winter; subtract 2.5 degrees in the spring and autumn; and subtract 52.5 degrees from the winter angle in the summer.

When you have optimized the setup location and angle, you are ready to begin installation. Most solar panel kits come with a mounting apparatus. Typically, this involves two metal rails and a metal piece that screws into the panel and slides in between the rails, kind of like the sliders for a drawer. EasyJack and Tile Trac are the most common brands.

For the installation, you will need a stud-finder or the blueprints of your house, a drill with a pilot bit, steel bolts, a ladder, roof flashing or caulk, and of course a solar panel kit.

1. Use the stud-finder to find the studs on your roof. You can also look at your blueprints, but this is less reliable. You need to drill into studs because they offer the sturdiest support and are less likely to splinter or break.

2. Measure how far apart the holes on the mounting rails are, and drill holes in the studs this far apart. Use a pilot bit so you don't split the wood.

3. Line up the holes in the mounting rails with the holes you drilled and insert steel bolts through them. Seal the area around the bolts with roof flashing or caulk so your roof doesn't leak.

4. Put the mounting interface on the solar panel (each kit has its own straightforward instructions) and slide the interface into the rails.

5. Make sure the solar panel is at least 6 inches from the roof: this will give it proper ventilation and keep it operating efficiently (and keep it from starting a fire). Adjust it to the angle you calculated.

6. If you have background in electric work, connect the conduit of the panel to the inverter. If you don't know what that means, call a professional electrician.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

You Don't Need Solar Panels to Harness the Sun

The sun is our most renewable resource, but currently, solar energy accounts for less than 1% of the world's energy consumption. While the solar industry is constantly growing, it is still in its early stages, and solar technology is not yet widely available or economically attractive. However, even if you aren't ready to invest in solar panels, there are still plenty of ways that you can take advantage of sunlight to conserve energy.

1. Adjust your windows according to the seasons. In the summer, keep your blinds down, and use light-colored shades to reflect the light. By preventing light energy from entering your house, you'll keep the ambient temperature down, so you can keep the air conditioning up. The opposite holds true for the winter: keep your shades up, use dark colors to absorb light, and make sure your windows are clean so that light can readily pass through.

2. Install semi-transparent skylights. This will allow you to use natural light during the day rather than electricity -- which is actually better for your eyes -- and it will provide heat. In the summer, cover your skylights with solar-screen awnings to keep the temperature down.

3. Large windows and light-colored paint will brighten rooms, allowing you to use less electric light.

4. Plant trees on the east and west sides of your house to block the sun during the summer, but keep the south side of your house clear to allow full sunlight to enter during the winter.

5. Grow plants in sunlight rather than under UV lamps.

6. Grow your own food. This cuts energy consumption significantly, because the food doesn't have to be transported, and you probably won't be using machines, pesticides and fertilizers to plant and harvest it.

7. Read, study and work near a window instead of a lightbulb.

8. Share electricity with others by sitting in the same room -- not only are you saving electricity by using one light instead of many; you're also bringing your family closer together.

9. Bask in the sun or grab a sweater instead of turning up the heat. You'll actually warm up faster, and you'll burn more sedentary calories.

10. If you're building a new house or remodeling an old one, take a few pointers from the architects of antiquity. In ancient times, artificial light was still an expensive, inefficient and often smelly technology, so buildings were constructed to make full use of the sun. Orient your rooms to let in maximum sunlight, and seal your house well to retain both your heat and your air-conditioning. Build on top of a hill to capture the cooling breezes if you live in a warm climate, but build into a hill to retain warmth if you live in colder zones.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

'Tis The Season For... Recycling

Finding that perfect gift can be a challenge. You don't want to break the bank, but you want to show how much you care -- and wouldn't it be nice if you didn't contribute to the world's increasing waste? Or buy something that's just going to sit in the back of a closet? 
One excellent solution -- which requires about as much time and effort as navigating the mall -- is to make your own gifts from recycled materials. This is a win-win-win-win situation: not only are you saving money and keeping trash out of the landfill; you're also sending a message to the manufacturers who continue to make that trash, and you get to personalize your gift to make it endearingly special, whether it's for grandma or a teenage boy.
Even if you aren't a do-it-yourselfer-cum-professional-artist, and even if you aren't a hardcore environmentalist out chaining yourself to endangered trees, there are plenty of up-cycled gifts that you can make -- plenty of little ways that you can help save the world.

Ornaments and Wreaths

1. Tear up magazines, junk mail, newspaper or old office papers and dip them in a mixture of flour and water to create ornament shapes out of paper-mache. Globes and stars are common, but you could also make rhomboids, wreaths, cones, or any other shape you like. Paint your shapes with acrylics, and punch a hole in the top for a ribbon to loop through. 

2. Blow up a small balloon to about the size of a fist. Pour clear-drying kids' glue (like Elmer's) and glitter into a cup -- the amount will vary depending on how many ornaments you make, but start with a fourth of a cup. Cut a long piece of string, about two to three feet long. Dip the string into the glue, coating it all over with the glitter mixture. Wrap the glue-dipped string around the balloon in crisscrossing directions, and set it to dry on wax paper. When it's dry, pop the balloon, and attach a little sprig of holly or dried flowers along with a loop of string or ribbon at the top. 

3. Create a wreath with pine cones, either green or brown, by hot-gluing them side-to-side in a circle. Add a second layer of pine cones for depth, or attach some pine boughs, sprigs of mistletoe, dried flowers, found bells or bows made from leftover ribbon. If you want to add color, paint the tips or the whole bodies of the pine cones with acrylics or spray paint; red, gold, silver and white are common colors. 
4. Cut the tops and bottoms off of plastic bottles or aluminum cans. Cut a slit down the side of the leftover cylinder, creating a long rectangle. Roll this rectangle up tightly, and glue the cut side to keep it in this shape. Use these rolled pieces to create a dramatic three-dimensional wreath, gluing the bases of the pieces together in a ring, with the ends sticking out to the side, to the front, to the back, and everywhere in between. Spray paint the pieces or add some sparkle with glitter. 


1. Locate some old silverware, either in your cupboards or at a vintage store. You want pieces with interesting decorations on the end. Heat the silverware in a pot of hot water, or with a torch if you have one, and bend it into the shape of a bracelet or a ring with pliers. You will have to cut off the excess metal for a ring. You may want to wrap the ends of the pliers with tape to prevent scratching. If you have a fork, you can also curl the tines into spirals for artistic effect.

2. Glue two tiny circuit boards, extra buttons or typewriter keys to cufflink bases. The keys could be the recipients initials. 

3. Braid or twist a few pieces of scrap wire together. Bend them into a loop to form a ring. Glue a couple of old camera gears, a pretty rock, a fake flower, a broken watch face or other interesting found objects to the top. 
4. Collect some old ties from men you know or a vintage store, and create a clutch or purse by sewing seven to ten of them together lengthwise, one overlapping the next, giving you a long rectangle. Fold one end a third of the way up, and sew the sides together where they meet. This forms the body, or bag, of the purse. Fold the other end down, forming a flap. It should come to about halfway down the sewn-together part. Attach an old button or clasp to secure the flap, and attach another tie as a shoulder strap if you want.

Home Decor

1. Find a few old belts -- they don't have to be the same color -- and cut a piece of cardboard into a shape you like to make a floor mat. Glue the belts to the cardboard, laying them side-by-side and cutting off the ends that stick over the cardboard. Glue a piece of felt or strips of rubber to the bottom to keep it from slipping.

2. Construct a lampshade out of junk food wrappers by folding or rolling them into small pieces and gluing them together to make a cone, then attaching the cone to a wire stand that fits over a lightbulb. 

3. Make a mirror-frame by rolling folded magazine pages and gluing them around the edge of the mirror, both perpendicular and parallel, creating a raised ledge. Fashion magazines are a nice touch.

4. Use old tiles to make coasters by gluing laminated pictures or pieces of an old map on top. Put four sticky round felt pieces -- the kind you generally use under furniture -- in the corners on the bottoms to keep them from slipping or scratching the table.

5. Glue an old doorknob, toy or other found object to the top of a plain bottle stopper to create a fancy wine cork

6. Decorate glass bottles to make vases or candle holders.

Still not inspired? What about yogurt container earrings? A necktie wallet? An old t-shirt dog collar, chopstick centerpiece, vintage suitcase pet bed, scrap wood picture frame, reclaimed slate or flattened glass bottle cheese board, old sweater pot holders, broken glass mosaic serving tray or nightlight, wire money clip, glass bottle plant grower, bottle cap toy monsters, soda can tab shoulder bag, computer keyboard keys clutch, scrap metal chess pieces or bracelet charms, bicycle chain bottle opener or mirror frame, old ski wine rack, bike wheel belt, woven seatbelt bag, circuit board mouse pad, tin picture frame or faux flowers...?

Be sure to wrap your gift in an eco-friendly way -- make your own recycled wrapping paper, or use scrap fabric from a craft store.